Cotton is down to a quarter a pound and I'm busted.
Well, its another Wednesday and another Lent service attended. I was planning to ask my Pastor how come Catholics aren't supposed to eat meat certain days during Lent but why fish is okay in mealtime conversation while dining at the Luther League table. My plans had to change. I had no choice but to adapt. First of all I would like to state that for some reason my enter key does not work from the home computer in blogger, so be prepared to read one big paragraph. At last week's lenten service I noticed my gynocologist's NP in the dining hall. I remember thinking, "Oh wow, I wonder how many people's boobs, butts and other unmentionables she has seen that are eating in this room. Tonight,when I arrived at the selected designation, I decided that I needed to use the ladies room before the service began and guess who was in the other stall. The nurse. We both come out our privies like Laverne and Shirley and I said "Oh my, you are my doctor's nurse." We introduced ourselves, since it has been a few months since I have made a visit to the doctor's office. I suppose she felt a little uncomfortable being she was the only one who showed up from her home parish and decided to sit beside me during the service and the meal. Since she was lone Catholic at the Lutheran table, so I tried to let the lady feel at ease since this was her first go at the traveling Lent parade and left my goofy enigma unasked. Yes, I do have manners on occasion. It turns out that the NP is also a Habitat for Humanity for volunteer and I was invited to come by the site one weekend to check it all out. Granted, I used to do construction work, but that was all many moons ago, kemosabe. That hard labor would probably kill me at this age and time, but also, do me alot of good. Who knows, I might just show up at that Jimmy Carter brainchild project and do a little time.
Ah, the mystery left unsolved for at least another week!
If your Enter key doesn't work and you'd still like paragraphs, type <p> whenever you'd like to start a new paragraph.
Well, try typing <p> doesn't take that HTML tag in comments, but hopefully you can use it in the main entry form. I'd be pretty pissed off if you can't use such a common tag...or if you were limited to tags in any way.
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