The Holy Gospel according to the Prairie Messiah

Like a myth you rode in from the west. From the go you had my button pressed. Did the tea-time of your soul Make you long for wilder days? Did you never let Jack Kerouac Wash over you in waves?

Monday, May 01, 2006

In-a-gadda-da-vida, baby, Don’t you know that I’ll always be true?

Today's is David and my anniversary. It's been two years already. If I were to base our marriage on the time he is actually at home, we would not have even been married a year. I picked him up a "not very thoughtful" hat and t-shirt combo as a gift during my lunch hour. Even if I think it is a lame gift, he will act like it's the best thing since sliced bread. I think he likes me getting his occasional hat and t-shirt for him simply because it saves him from simply having to shop for clothes.

Mother's day is in a couple of weeks. I really am unsure as how to address this one. I have not spoke with her since she declared her un-blessing of the purchase of our home. I really would like to do a little something for smug-mom, even if it something as impersonal as sending her some fru-fru card.

David and I have expanded our garden by leaps and bounds. I can not recall even if I mentioned that we started one in the blog. At first it was a few squash, zucchini and pepper plants. Well, he told me to get a few sqaush, zucchini and pepper plants, and I bought a 6 pack of each, which will reportedly feed an entire baptist church tent revival. Brookshire's gave me a free package of organic cantelope seeds on Earth Day, so those were planted. Then, I found a fingerling potato that I had thrown into the yard that got missed by the mower. It has grown eyes, so it got planted also.

Richard (my brother-in-law) gave David 3 peach trees that he had started, so into the back yard they went, too. Granted, I am aware that those peach trees will not produce fruit for another 2-3 years, but I sure do love fresh peaches and can hardly wait, this is, if they live. Those trees have been looking rather wilty looking since we stuck them in the dirt. We have even been throwing coffee grounds and egg shells out in the garden spot to richen the soil.

On Saturday, the kids were pretty well bored. Ok, D.D. was bored. Stephanie can pretty well keep herself entertained. D.D. on the other other hand, thinks we should always go somewhere, like the bowling alley, skating rink or paintball or something. So, while I was out grabbing a few groceries, I found a "Home Depot" build a bird house kit. I would show what it is, but there is not such thing at The Home Depot web site. Even more bizarre, I found it at the supermarket. Albertson's has always had pretty weird stuff as far as supermarkets are concerned. I bought a set of steam activated foam rubber hair rollers there once (which work great), and I have even seen color televisions there also.

Anyway, back to the birdhouse details. I thought it was such a cool thing. All the wood was cut and pre-drilled for nails and screws, perfect for kids, you know. The best part is that is not your ordinary birdhouse. It is a WINDMILL birdhouse! Too bad the blades do not turn. I think I like it more than the kids did however. Maybe another weekend the kids and I can paint it. I might just paint it myself when David is gone back to the boat while I am stuck for something to do.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary!!!

4:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you Nae-Nae Head! :)

4:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary! And what's this with an unblessing?! I must have missed something. hugs to you nikki. netti

7:06 PM  

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