The Holy Gospel according to the Prairie Messiah

Like a myth you rode in from the west. From the go you had my button pressed. Did the tea-time of your soul Make you long for wilder days? Did you never let Jack Kerouac Wash over you in waves?

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Sleep comes like a drug in God's Country. Sad eyes, crooked crosses, in God's Country.

Today while I was shopping at the Greenville Wal~Mart Stupidcenter with my mother-in-law, something caught my eye. It was a something that I found extremely usual giving the location, so I picked it up. Upon reading the directions of preparation, I thought this would be a smashing success to make for my family reunion next month, believing that this package was a seasoning mix for a tomato cucumber salad. A hundred miles later, back at home, to my discovery I purchased a package of taboli mix! I was a bit ignorant to the fact upon purcahse that taboli is some type of middle eastern fare. My family is not going to eat THAT and I am somewhat allergic to tomatoes! Foods high in citric acid tend to make me break out in whelps the size of Kennedy half dollars, so I have to operate moderation with citrus fruits, strawberries and tomatoes. What am I going to do! HELP!!!! Renae, it's vegan! Fred, it's exotic! Please claim your early christmas presents, or send me directions for another use for this stuff. PLEEEEEASSE!

Edit: I just had a brillant idea. Since most years the dishes I bring do not even get touched, and I am guessing this because they are scary looking? I am just going to bring something that I think will look scary to them. If they don't eat it, my sweet husband told me he would because he said that it sounded ok to him. SO NYAH! Take that you silly stubborn family stuck in your olden chickdump ways!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You should definitely just take whatever you want without regard to whether or not they will eat it, if they haven't been known to eat stuff in the past. Is the tabouleh mix just spices, or does it include the bulgur? If it doesn't have bulgur mixed in it, you probably could use it to make some sort of cucumber salad. But if it has bulgur, it's going to make tabouleh whether you like it or not.

9:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Affirmative on the bulgar in the baggie. Looks like I am going to be making taboulei, or as the baggie speels it taboli. The contents of the baggie does smell good.

9:47 AM  

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