The Holy Gospel according to the Prairie Messiah

Like a myth you rode in from the west. From the go you had my button pressed. Did the tea-time of your soul Make you long for wilder days? Did you never let Jack Kerouac Wash over you in waves?

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

It's murder by numbers, one, two, three. It's as easy to learn as your ABC.

I did reciprocate by carpet cleaning friends' favor by baking them a praline cheesecake, as promised. I delivered it last night. This morning, I called to check out how much they enjoyed it. That cheesecake is still sitting in their refridgerator, unstabbed. My delicioous cheesecake has become eye- porn to be viewed by a family standing in front of the icebox with the door open, viewer's mouth agape and watering. Oh well, it's always best when eaten on the third day, methinks.


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