Someone's built a candy castle for my sweet sixteen. Someone's built a candy brain and filled it in.

Looky, what my husband sent me yesterday afternoon! They are so beautimous and smelly! That bear looks kind of mean. I am not sure as to what all that is about. I guess if I were tied to a vase, I would be a little grouchy too. This name is Brownie, or at least that is what is tag says. We all know what Brownie said, "Thanks, I got my suit at Nordstrom's. Can I go home now?"
A name change is going to be in sudden effect!
Pretty! That bear does look a bit pissed. I hope you've untied him.
Yeah, I untied the boogerbear. He's lounging by the vase now and is wearing a SMILE! I'm thinking about sitting him in my lap while I work, so he could see AUTOCAD in action.
Well that sort of answers one question: Mark asked me last night what you do and all I knew was "it involves being in an office"!
Well, most of the time, I'm in a office, employed as a drafter at a small Civil Engineering firm. Occasionally, I do get to go out on field studies and for some reason that involves me being in the general vicinity of snakes or poo, sometimes both. I usually don't complain because I'm just so happy to be outside and away from the office.
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