Did you ever see a Cajun when he really got mad, when he really got trouble like a daughter gone bad? It gets real hot down in Louisiana.
Friday afternoon after signing all those papers, I stopped by the store, picked up a six-pack of strawberry flavored malt liquor beverage, and called my friend, Jean, over to celebrate. I danced a very Ed Grimley jig in my living room. It was starting to get dark, so we decided it was time to leave when a man from the power company appeared and gave me the hook-up. YAY!
I spent some of the weekend wiping out and lining the kitchen cabinets. I finished lining most of the cabinets before I ran out of stuff on a roll. The only kitchen cabinet that needs cleaning now is the one under the sink. Cleaning that cabinet requires a little more chutzpah than what is provided by Clorox Clean-up wipes. The cool part about all this cleaning and stuff is that I am able to add my own brand of niceness. The cabinets are white inside and out and very sterile in appearance until I added my natural look liners and arranged all my kitchen gadgets in other stuff in there. Everybody get down tonight, everyone fung shui tonight!
I also picked out some curtains to cover the windows on the doors. The owner left some roman shades that are starting to unravel and generally looking ratty and tired. All this decorating will take a while to do, but I am going to have so much fun with it.
My friends the carpet cleaners are going to professionally suck my rugs FOR FREE as a housewarming gift! How awesome this that! Gee, I might have to cook them one of my fancy homemade praline cheesecakes as a token of appreciation.
Life is grand, but my mother is a different story. I haven’t even told her the good news yet. One reason I picked out this house was to accommodate the furniture she has been telling me that I need to get off her hands for 10-15 years now, but since she reneged and it seems that this house is not large or good enough for her ego. Whatever. I am at a loss as whether to tell her that house is my house now. Of course, she is welcome is she was ever to come over, but my readers should know enough by what I have already commented about her behavior, that she is really not the visiting kind. I am confused and a little sad on her behalf. Oh, what to do, what to do...