I just finished a book titled
The Tao of Willie, as in the Tao Te Ching of Willie Nelson. It is part wisdom, part music biography and completely wonderful. Here's why:
Willie does yoga on the biodiesel tour bus as it speeds down the road. He descibes the feeling as a rush.
Willie has a very bad golf game, he simply plays because he loves the sport.
Willie Nelson is a happy man and enjoys the art of telling very bad jokes.
Willie is an avocate for peace - inner, global, racial, environmental or otherwise.
When Jimmy Carter received his Nobel prize, Willie was in attendance at the ceremony. I doubt the yoga bus with the french fry aroma made it to Oslo, but with Willie, one really never knows.
Even though Willie's house is in Texas, he considers all the earth, his home and all it's inhabitants, his friends.
Willie Nelson has out of body experiences while performing on stage? Okay.
Willie Nelson followed his way as a troubadour. He will be remembered as a legendary icon because of that. The naming of this blog was basically inspired by architypes created by Willie Nelson. The outlaw, the preacher, the red-headed stranger, etc. Sadly, I am just a Willie-wannabe!