The Holy Gospel according to the Prairie Messiah
Like a myth you rode in from the west. From the go you had my button pressed. Did the tea-time of your soul Make you long for wilder days? Did you never let Jack Kerouac Wash over you in waves?
Friday, March 31, 2006
Thursday, March 30, 2006
Forget the hearse, cuz I'll never die. I got nine lives, cat's eyes, abusing every one of them and running wild.
So your girlfriend rolls a Honda, Playin' workout tapes by Fonda. But Fonda ain't got a motor in the back of her Honda.
At break, I was speaking with a co-worker about his back surgery. I asked if had went to a Chiropractor before his surgery. He said that he did but it was one of those "clinics" that accepts insurance, takes x-rays and keeps you coming back for a year or so. He stated that he felt pretty ripped off by that whole clinic deal.
It turns out that he had made an appointment today with this one chiropractor who charges about what a co-pay costs, he doesn't take insurance, or x-rays. For what my co-worker has heard about this doctor is that he is "really good" from several sources and that this guy will get you taken care of quickly. I called to make an appointment and he just had the 12:45 cancel. So, 12:45 it is.
I figured that trying this guy once couldn't hurt since I really don't care about being in the care of some clinic for a year, paying the co-pay once every week or two weeks. So, off I go into a total leap of faith, into a too good to be true scheme. I never know what's going to happen. This dude may palm chicken livers and might try to pull a "tumor" from me by 1:00. Lord, I hope not because that's a stale trick.
Anyhoo, I guess some of my anxiety may be showing. I have neve been to nothing like this before. I hope it all works out in a couple of pulls and yanks. Please, wish me luck and not a broken leg.
Monday, March 27, 2006
They say I'm gonna hit the big time and all I gotta do is act naturally.
Saturday, I went to Fiesta to get some Veganaise and found these meatless hotdogs.
I asked the owner were they any good, hoping that she does test out all her inventory. She said that they were very good, so I figured that it would not hurt to give them a go. I also bought a can of Amy's Organic Vegan Chili to top those dogs off. I have had pretty good luck with Amy's frozen entrees and pizza, so maybe the chili is good too.
The Fiesta owner tried to sell me some Rudi's hot dog buns until her employee piped up that they were sold out. Whew! I'm glad that I did not have to refuse those buns as glorious and wondeful that I believe Rudi's to be. Everyone who knows me know that I do the ghetto thing and just wrap the bread around the weinee or serve chili dogs ala open faced sandwich at home. So, all I am waiting for now are those Vidalia onions to hit the store, which should be any day now, then I will be some kind of chili dog ready.
P.S. Renae, Fiesta even carries agave nectar. I had visual contact.
After I got home from my little grocery adventure, Oscar and I went for a walk. I was happy to see that Oscar finally started eating at the new house. He ate two bowls of food. Usually, he just wants to play, drink water, and have a few treats when he stays over. I thought he might be getting used to the place.
About 2 in the morning, Oscar woke me up with his pacing, panting and whining. This is strange because he is usually real good about sleeping through the night. I grabbed his leash and took him out. Nothing. We did this about 4 times until I decided at 3 A.M. Oscar needed to go home. He just wasn't going to poo at my house. I finally got back to my house about 4:00 sans Oscar, but I did make sure to see him take care of his business before I left him there. I have heard of picky eaters but never a finicky poo-er until now. Come to think of it, Oscar has never pooed in the state of Mississippi either, but he never acted like he needed to either.
Buck Owens died this weekend. Now, I know that I have taken cheap shots at his music before. Mainly, because I have really never cared for his music, but I have always respected him as a artist. He made the most out his life as a displaced dust bowl Okie, even though he was a native Texhoman child. He refused to fit into the Nashville mold and brought his own to the table. Buck Owens WAS going to do his own thing. That thing later became known as the "Bakersfield Sound". Somebody once asked him why wasn't country music just good enough for him. He wasn't afraid to challenge himself or anyone else, thank you. What better testament to ones talent than to have the Beatles cover your material. Check out HELP! Sooo, I tip my hat to you, Mr. Owens. God bless and good night.
Friday, March 24, 2006
I've been really trying baby, trying to hold back this feeling for so long.

This morning has been a slow one. I have taken full advantage of my time by doing a little window shopping on the internet. I am aware that I will probably never be able to afford something as wonderful as an authentic Biedermeier sofa, but that doesn't mean that I can't appreciate it's beauty and think about how amazing this piece would be in my living room.
Thursday, March 23, 2006
You better step that step, walk that walk, shake that thang and talk that talk.
My neighborhood grocery store is bizarre. I can't help that I live less than a mile from Brookshire's flagship location in Monroe, and they do have good deals. They do some strange things though. I know that I have failed to explain what the little boys in the freezer are about. I am really not sure myself, but they like to dress up boy manequins for the upcoming holiday, season or occasion and put them in coolers. One time they had a "fireplace" wine display in which I could see one of the little boys wearing a T-shirt, an apron, and a chef's hat holding a big metal spatula through it. I tried to take a picture of it, but that didn't turn out so great. I just found it funny that there was a little boy cooking literally and physically in the fireplace.
As strange as that store may be, I strangely fit there. One night, I made the mistake of trying to grocery shop drunk. I decided it might be fun to try to take a picture of myself with a 4 foot tall styrofoam Pillsbury doughboy prop. Right out of nowhere, a bunch of children showed up and wanted to be in the picture too, which was cool with me. That picture did not turn out so well either. Later on that evening, I was leading the bag boy all over the parking lot in search of one lost Sir Monty. I finally found the car, got the door open bent over to pull the seat back so bag boy could put the groceries in the backseat when I fell down into the car, face first and started to giggle. That was the only sensible thing to do at that time besides leave quickly. Somehow, some way this store and I were made for each other. And I think to myself "What a wonderful world".
That deaf, dumb and blind kid sure plays a mean pinball.
I don't believe that I ever mentioned Arlene before, but she's a lady at my church that I have all the respect for. I wish when I get to be pushing 75 years old that I can be able to rightfully wear a mini-skirt, which she can and does often. I am defining a mini-skirt, in this case, as a skirt with the hem maybe a couple of inches above the knee. Anyway, I am always telling her that she's automatically hired as one of my back-up dancers when I go out on tour. The long story made short here is she's beyond retirement age, is very active, employed as an Registered Dietician, walks an 18 hole golf game, still looks early 60ish and has one great pair of legs. Oh, and she rocks out in her little red sports car! I NEED her recipe for pumpkin bars. It's a simple as that. The End.
"Singing in the Rain" was superb. However, I do have only one complaint. Since the last time I volunteered as a set changer at the theater, they have since wired the players with little tiny mics, which was a distraction. I kept thinking those mics were q-tips behind their ears. The audience could hear every time a mic hit something like an article of clothing or even the side of their head by way of a big "thud". That was bad. There was a little feedback happening too. I don't quite undertand the decision regarding their use of mics there. The Strauss is small, much smaller than Brown Auditorium or Jack Howard Theatre. I would think that being wired for a perfmormance at the Jack Howard would be appropiate since it is the largest theatre space in town with over 2,200 seats. The Strauss may seat 300-400, I'm guessing. Anyway, the players should have been able to phyically project their voices using their diaphragms. My high school drama teacher would have really fussed about that. In fact, I should probably get in touch with her. It's a real shame that she doesn't bring an inprov team to compete in DI. Heck, she might not even know that such a competition exists.
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Diamond Girl, you sure do shine.

Last September, hubby and I had to surrender our cabin reservation, to house hurricane evacuees. The park refunded our money and sent us a voucher for a free three night stay, which I received in the mail a couple of weeks ago. We booked a reservation for one these lovelies today at D'Arbonne. YAY! Nothing says vacation more than free accomodations!
I want to walk in the open wind. I want to talk like lovers do. I want to dive into your ocean. Is it raining with you?
This comes after three days of a non-stop downpour. bleh. I'm so glad that's over with.
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
You've been around for such a long time now. Oh, maybe I could leave you but I don't know how.
Someone's built a candy castle for my sweet sixteen. Someone's built a candy brain and filled it in.

Looky, what my husband sent me yesterday afternoon! They are so beautimous and smelly! That bear looks kind of mean. I am not sure as to what all that is about. I guess if I were tied to a vase, I would be a little grouchy too. This name is Brownie, or at least that is what is tag says. We all know what Brownie said, "Thanks, I got my suit at Nordstrom's. Can I go home now?"
A name change is going to be in sudden effect!
No stranger to your fantasy, lashings of a recipe. I'm whipping something up that's just for you.
I have never made any kind of tuna, crab or salmon cakes before, so this will be interesting. First, I need to figure out what to do about the main ingredient. The bread crumbs in this envelope consists of bleached white flour, dextrose and yeast. Since prepared whole wheat bread crumbs are non-existent here and I have never had much luck with making them myself, I am thinking I might could use some Matzo Meal, which is made of passover wheat flour and water. At least Matzo Meal is processed under strict kosher guidelines and seems cleanish even if it may or may not have much nutrition.
The ingredient that I am puzzled out replicating are the "egg solids". That sounds pretty disgusting! Does this mean I need to boil an egg and pummel it to death in a chopper? Would a raw egg help things stick together better? I am just going to have to research some recipes to find out that answer.
The spices I can handle. They will not present a problem, and I have a little more liberty with seasonings which is super news opposed to using a mix. Tabasco will definetly make an appearance here, as will some lemon juice and cilantro. Maybe some seseme seeds too.
Hubby needs to come home soon, so he can be my guinea pig again and I can get to cracking! Oops, I mean cooking.
Monday, March 20, 2006
Who's that eating that nasty fruit, NASTY BOYS!
That is worse than thinking about Anna Nicole Smith and that old billionaire dude! And Jessica, stop thinking that you are some kind of euro-sexy by doing that with your tongue! You are just gross!
Coconut fudge--really blows down those blues, but you'll have to have them all pulled out after the Savoy truffle.
Uncle Sam Cereal Fruit and Spice Cookies:
They taste so good and I shall feel good about sharing them with others.
Here we come, walkin' down the street. We get the funniest looks from ev'ry one we meet.
Sunday, March 19, 2006
Third rate romance. Low rent rendezvous.

I'm baking bread again, but things are a little different tonight. This is what I'm doing.
I know, I know. Using a prepared mix seems kind of like cheating. The finished product howver, does look wonderful and tastes pretty decent. I am on my fourth slice since it came from the oven.
Friday, March 17, 2006
Keep it off my wave.
Kaw-liga was a wooden Indian standing by the door. He fell in love with an Indian maiden over in the antique store.
But of course, the monks will be concerting tonight. I called Jean Wednesday night while she was in Baltimore attending a workshop. She had managed to find she way over to Annapolis to visit a friend, when I had called, so our conversaion was brief. Her curiosity was piqued when I mentioned the sand mandala in construction, Buddhist monks and the overall low price of the show. I will remind her about it this afternoon, after she flies back in, but I think she might be to pooped to go. That poor girl is always pooped on Fridays, regardless of a plane ride. I could just go stag to the concert and I would probably be really up for a cleansing when I get home.
Thursday, March 16, 2006
Poke Salad Annie, the gator's got your granny, chomp, chomp, chomp, chomp, chomp.
I was shocked to find this Zoe’s Cereal at a discount/dollar store marked at $2.50. I don’t know if this stuff is vegan, since I don’t see the Vegan icon on the box, but I read the ingredients and it appears so. There seems to be a slight Optimum Zen resemblance minus the ginger.
I purchase many things that is not always billed as "Vegan" or "Organic", mainly to save money. However, I do take a few seconds to read labels, even if I am familiar with a product, just to make sure that the integrity has not been changed. Marketing and packaging can be such a dirty and misleading business.
Speaking of misleading, I just performed a spell check on this entry and the recommended spelling for Veganaise was a certain female body part which is a word blogger will not publish. How Funny!
Oh Renae, Neil Gaiman’s blog is featured this week on blogger. Just thought you would like to know.
Just let me take you up yonder, honey. You're already wild and blue.
P.S. I am starting to believe that listening to too much Outlaw genre music at once is making me bi-polar. I have been experiening episodes of mania, that is until Merle Haggard is played. There is nothing to be happy about listening to songs of relocated Okies living in work camps during the dust bowl and great depression.
I Ain't About To Bawl, And I Ain't Gonna Die. Let 'Er Rip, Let It Fly.
They were just awesome touring in Europe a few years ago singing their anthems about killing wife-beaters and hating on Georgie Porgie Dubya and NEVER NEVER apologizing for any of it. Even after folks were burning their music in the streets, that's right! No Apologies. No excuses and no fear baby! Those Texas outlaw girls are all the balls and certainly welcome to make any day of mine a little more peppy.
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Cotton is down to a quarter a pound and I'm busted.
Praise the lord and pass the ammunition, need a little bit more of my tweleve ounce nutrition, I’m taking my turn on the sin wagon.
Call my sandwich Agent Incognito because only my readers and a few friends know that I do superfoods. Besides, I don't want to be a specticle. Sandwiches are a great way to hide what your really eating.
I think the superfoods are paying off too. Friday night, I was asked to present ID upon entering the casino and I WAS NOT WEARING COSMETICS! :D
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
When I go don't cry for me, in my father's arms I'll be.
These monks have also supposedly played some basketball since they have arrived in town. Is there Zen to be found in a game of hoops? Oh those monks, hanging in Monroe, playing some b-ball, dancing and painting. What a great life! I sure would like to just run away with that circus! That would be just fine with me.
Monday, March 13, 2006
Strange days, indeed, most peculiar, mama.
I laid in the bed with the sheets open wide and a freight train running through the middle of my head.
Friday, before we left town Jean, her sister, her niece and her mother went to the Junior League Spring Market. Most years, I just go there just to get out of the house and to say I helped by making a donation to a charity by paying the cover charge and maybe buying some good homemade pickles from a booth. This year, I actually bought something and it was not pickles. I purchased a pair of Crocs, which I am surprised that Renae does not own a pair nor has ever mentioned them in her blog. She should definetly check them out. Anyway, they are just some very lightweight and so comfortable foam rubber clogs that could be perfect for yard work or putting aroung the house. These shoes would be most excellent for wearing while hanging out on the river. I am wearing them to work today in all their khaki glory.
We ate lunch at the market, and headed back to get Jean's and Debbie's husbands and to drop Jean's mom off back at her house. Upon our depature from town, we made a stop at a legendary and imfamous (dum-dum dah-dum) drive-thru bar. Jean's sister, Debbie was totally blown away by such and got out my car while the drinks were being made to take pictures of something every out-of-stater thinks of as bizarre, but is a completely occurance normal in Louisiana. Yes, I was a good girl and did not drink on our journey to Shreveport because I was driving.
We finally made it to the hotel, and decidely made a bee-line to the Horseshoe. Bonnie Raitt was performing there that night, which I wanted to see her instead of gamble, but the show was already sold out, so I just gambled for a couple of hours with everyone else during which time where we all got really drunk and obnoxious. People in passing just stared and laughed at us for the rest of the evening because they were not having near as much fun as us. Jerry did so well at the blackjack table that the casino comped our meals at the buffet at which I attempted to eat decently, but found that tasks was really hard to accomplish.
We got back to the hotel and crashed because Jean and I both had to get up early to be judges at the state Destination Imagination tournament while Jerry took his in-laws to the Artport to catch their flight. Being a judge at the D.I. tournament is always a thrill and pleasure for me and the competing teams always blow me away. I also had to judge a somewhat unofficial skit where second graders performed for encouraging sticky notes and not so much a chance to the global tournament. They were so cute.
After the tournament, Jean and I went to go find Jerry, by which time he was hanging at a pool hall over at Heart of Bossier called Fast Eddie's. It was a good thing that I was around because Jean and Jerry really do not know much about the area and it was a total fluke that he was basically right around the corner from the school where the tournament had took place and Jean had no idea where her husband was. She commented about what a good job I done because it was so fast for me to find him (about 5 minutes) but that was really nothing.
They hit the road back to Monroe, and I decided to head over to Towne South to check out the World Market while I was in town, since I did not last time I was there when Fred was visiting his dad. I have spotted the place several times before, being my aunt is a manager at the Golden Corral across the street. I was a little disappointed, but I guess that is what happens when one makes preassumed expectations about a store like that. It was a little like Pier One meets Paul Micheal Company with a small dry goods and wine department.
I did find an interestingly appearing bottle of blush wine, when an employee showed up and asked if I needed any help. I asked him about the wine, as if was like White Zin or White Merlot and that guy said that he thought that it was the red and the white mixed together. Now, I am not saying that is not a possibility but it certainly sounded unlikely. He must have been a new employee or new to wine or something else. So, I bought the wine anyway. It was nice wine even though it had a screw-off cap. I had heard that all wine will be going to screw-off caps, but I really don't know how true that is.
I finally made it home exhausted Saturday afternoon. I did manage to muster up enough energy to get up for church Sunday morning, do my weekly grocery shopping, water the yard, get the laundry done and go walking for a little while. The rest of the day was spend lounging about.
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
I may have grew up, I may have come old or MTV just left me cold.
Well, this lone Gen-Xer has a voice, and that voice says:
I am tired being told if I am against the current admistration, that I am traitor.
I am tired hearing about "morals" when what we really we need is a good dose of spirit.
And tired of the exploitation of my saviour to promote greed and murder.
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
She's right here behind the glass, and you're gonna like her, 'cause she's got class.
Long Live Sir Monty! Raise your flagon and declare a celebration! Hooray!
Friday, March 03, 2006
But Oz never did give nothing to the Tin Man that he didn’t, didn’t already have.
I will not suggest buying anything in a very long box and expect it to get into a 2-door car without some serious thought. Poor big baby was squished all the way to the dashboard and we still had problems with getting the door shut. I once knew a married couple who together weighed at least 600 pounds and would travel in a 2-door Hyundai with a drum kit shoved in that tiny car. I have no idea how they managed that.
My husband got the weedeater put together when we returned home and he was acting like he was trimming the carpet in the living room with it, complete with sound effects. Meanwhile, I was out in the yard yelling out "Lookyme, I'm the freakin' Statue of Liberty, wheee!" while holding one of my new garden lights high as a torch in the darkness before I drove them in the dirt. Geez, we are both such dorks, but ya know something? We are having a GREAT time at the new house!
Thursday, March 02, 2006
Baby, I'm-a want you. Baby, I'm-a need you.
Since every bread recipe I have tried so far makes two loaves, I gave my friend Jean one loaf for her family's enjoyment. I told her about the new recipe last night and she was totally jazzed. Nummy were her thoughts on the subject. Since she usually keeps flax seed at her house I asked if I could get some from her to try the new recipe and she agreed. It's great to have a friend who can reciprocate!
Kudos to Renae for her encouragement! :) Baking bread is so much fun!
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
Lamb of God, I come, I come.
Party hard before the six weeks of pennance, and don't forget your disciplines. Unlike Catholics, we don't fast and if one chooses to give up something, that's cool, but not necessary. Community service and volunteer work are the more encouraged sacrifices. Lent is not so bad, that is until Good Friday. I just find it such a drag to kill Jesus every year. sigh...